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Life Insurance

Shop and compare life insurance quotes from top providers like Mutual of Omaha, Ethos, Banner Life, AIG and more.

Life insurance protects your loved ones financially in the event of an unexpected death. And contrary to what you might hear, not everyone needs a $1,000,000 policy.

For some of us, a $200,000 or even $50,000 term life insurance plan is enough to help family members with outstanding debts, loans, hospital bills, and funeral costs.

Quote and enroll online 24/7 at your convenience or contact us for assistance.

Licensed in: DC, FL, GA, MD, MS, NC, PA, TN, TX, VA

Instant Online Quote

We made it easy to get affordable financial protection for your loved ones. Use the calculator below to get an idea of what life insurance will cost:

Ethos Life

Visit my Ethos page for a personalized quote. You can self-enroll or book a free phone consultation!

What Is “No Medical Exam” Insurance?

No-exam term life insurance offers coverage quickly, (in most cases instantly) without the hassle of a medical appointment or blood work. Here’s a breakdown of how it works:

In the old days, life insurance companies would assess your health through medical exams, blood work and questionnaires to determine your risk.

This process used to take a week or two, or even longer.

On the other hand, no medical exam life insurance skips the medical appointment. Instead, it relies on other methods to assess risk:

  • Health Questionnaire: You’ll answer questions about your medical history, current medications, and any tobacco use.
  • Lifestyle Assessment: This goes beyond just health and asks about your hobbies and activities to get a broader picture of your risk profile.
  • Data Check: With your permission, insurers access information from external sources like prescriptions, driving records, credit, and even past life insurance applications (See MIB report) to build a more complete picture.

Based on the collected data, an automated system decides your approval and assigns a premium rate.

Coverage amounts are usually lower than traditional underwriting.

For example, Ethos offers instant approvals up to $2 million for qualified applicants.

  • Cost: Since the insurer has less information about your health, policies tend to be more expensive than exam-based ones.
  • Coverage Limits: The coverage amount is usually lower than with traditional policies.
  • Not for Everyone: If you have pre-existing health conditions, you may not qualify or receive a favorable rate.

Instant term “no medical exam” life insurance is a viable option and may be suitable for people who:

  • Want convenience with instant online approvals
  • Have good health & credit and low to moderate risk to the insurer

On the other hand, if have a health condition, you’ll want to take some time to weigh all of your options before hitting submit.

This is an example where speaking to an agent is a good idea to increase your chances of getting approved with the best policy.

If you have certain health conditions you might want to consider term life insurance with accelerated underwriting

Our partners at Banner Life, AIG and SBLI offer accelerated term life insurance with competitive rates.

Since many health conditions are considered, you have a better chance of getting approved for coverage.

You won’t get an instant decision, but your rates will be slightly lower than instant term.

To get a sample accelerated term life quote visit my Plumlife page or book a call.

Banner Quote >>

  • $250,000
  • 30-year term

For illustration only. Plans & price will vary.

  • $500,000
  • 25-year term

For illustration only. Plans & price will vary.

Reasons You Can Be Denied Life Insurance

Certain health conditions and situations may lead to you being denied life insurance instantly during the application process. These are called knockouts.

You should know about these in advance before you apply. You can also be denied for non-medical reasons.

This list is intended to be informational, is not all-inclusive and will vary depending on the insurance carrier you choose:

  • AIDS/HIV+ status
  • ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)
  • Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia or significant Cognitive Impairments related to functionality
  • Cancer diagnosis within the last 2 years
  • Cirrhosis of the Liver
  • Congestive Heart Failure
  • COPD/Emphysema or Chronic Bronchitis, severe or with current nicotine use
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Diabetes uncontrolled with high A1C
  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Heart/Cardiac Disease, multiple vessels diagnosed within the last 2 years, or any past history of current nicotine use

Term Life Insurance

I like Ethos for quick and easy term life insurance quotes with no medical exam and instant approvals for qualified applicants.

However, as mentioned earlier, if you have a pre-existing health condition and you’re not sure, contact us for other options.

Some medical conditions increase your chances of being denied life insurance.

Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance provides a fixed amount of insurance coverage over the life of the insured, with the benefits payable only upon the insured’s death.

Unlike term life insurance, which only covers a specific period, whole life insurance also includes a savings component that accumulates cash value over time.

This cash value grows at a fixed rate and is tax-deferred, meaning you won’t owe taxes on the growth until you withdraw it.

Additionally, whole life policies allow you to borrow against the cash value if needed. 

Ethos Plans & Prices >>

Ethos Whole Life & Final Expense

Final Expense Insurance

Final expense insurance is a type of whole life insurance policy designed for older adults.

It provides financial security for family members from the high costs of funeral and related expenses.

When applying for final expense insurance there are no medical exams required and only a few health questions.

Advantages to final expense insurance — no medical exams, fixed premiums and you’ll build cash value that you can borrow from.

There are also disadvantages — benefit amounts are lower, typically around $2,000-$30,000 and premiums can be costly for older adults.

Instant Quote >>

Book A Free Consultation!

We hope this post has provided some insight as to what medical conditions can disqualify you from life insurance.

During your search, there may be a time when consulting with an agent becomes necessary.

Note: Life insurance depends on many risk factors like health, finances, credit score, lifestyle and even your driving record. If you have questions contact us before you dive into an application.

We work with several life insurance companies such as AIG, Ethos, Banner Life and Mutual of Omaha. Each has different criteria for underwriting and may be more flexible to your situation.

There is no cost or obligation and it could save you from being denied coverage!